Luiz F S Rodrigues
Data scientist

I am part of the Data Science team at HAL24K Labs. We work with clients to develop and maintain bespoken AI solutions for a variety of problems. We also further develop the technological resources which are used by the sister companies: HAL24K Water, HAL24K Infra and HAL24K Agri.
My daily work involves a wide range of tools and techniques, mainly comprising: exploratory data analysis, large/complex dataset visualisation, machine learning, and general Python software development. I have been often working with computer-vision-related problems, employing deep neural networks for object detection and segmentation. I am specially interested in projects which may have positive environmental impact (specially regarding climate change), and have recently focused on applications to the agriculture sector.
While my academic work (see below) already involved skills usually associated with data science, my journey into data science with a more comercial mindset began when I joined the S2DS bootcamp in 2019. Then, I was part of a small team working for HAL24K. Within the 5 weeks of the S2DS we delivered a prototype system capable of early detection of wildfires using satellite data .
For many years, I worked as a researcher in the field of astrophysics. I focused on the evolution of galaxies and their properties and, specially, on the origin and evolution of galactic magnetic fields.
One exciting project I was involved with, was trying to put together the knowledge of how galaxies evolve with time, with the dominant theory on how large scale magnetic field of galaxies can be amplified to its current value (turbulent mean field dynamo theory). To tackle this, I wrote, together with my collaborators, the Magnetizer code, which allowed us to model the evolution of galactic magnetic fields for a statistical sample of model galaxies, throughout the history of the Universe.
I have also been long involved with the IMAGINE consortium, a diverse group of researchers working in the fields of insterstellar medium, galactic magnetic fields and cosmic rays – including theorists, experimentalists, observers and modellers – working together towards better insight on the structure of the interstellar magnetic field and its interaction with cosmic rays. Then, I was coordinator of the consortium's technical working group, and lead developer of the IMAGINE code, an API and set of software tools which enables the construction of a pipeline that combines a variety of datasets to constrain and compare galaxy models on a Bayesian framework.
One can find an up-to-date list of my publications in one of the following websites: